Over the past number of years, I have both commissioned new works by Irish composer, Robert Coleman (supported by Arts Council and SDCC) and have been commissioned to create new work as an artist myself.
Upcoming commissions include John Buckley’s new solo violin work, Musici Ireland’s commission by Linda and Irene Buckley for a Mother’s Voice Series and a commission with visual designer, Lara Buffard. I was awarded The Arts Council’s Commissions Award in 2016 and 2019 to work with Robert which led to the compositions ‘Decay is Inherent in All Things’ and ‘Spectrum’. These both encouraged me to experiment with site specific performance, outdoor work, visuals and electronics.
Robert Coleman Commissions:
Decay is Inherent in All Things
This is an outdoor work for solo violin and a live recording and playback system. A chain of 3 microphones and 3 speakers line up across the site. Sounds are recorded and played back and passed down the chain, each time getting more decayed but also picking up new sounds in the process. A kind of structural and temporal counterpoint emerges between the violin and it's decaying self which moves further and further into the distance. This work deals with one of Robert’s main fascinations: creating multiple viewpoints on musical material, and here with the added interest of allowing the environmental sounds to seep in to become part of the fabric of the work.
This setup was inspired by the action of erosion; the gradual movement and decay of material from one location to another. The title of this piece is said to be some of the last words spoken by Siddartha Gautama, the Buddha.
Upcoming performances:
Decay is Inherent in All Things:
Dublin, July 2022
Composed by Robert Coleman and visual design by Mihai Cucu, this was the first commissioned work for me by Robert, which was premiered in Powerscourt Theatre, Dublin in 2016 as part of Kirkoskammer Series. This piece presented many interesting challenges, from working with timers to electronics and visuals.
Below: Spectrum II – An unadorned Alloy, Spectrum III – Untitled